Thursday, June 19, 2014

#13 Milk Honey Soap 牛奶蜜糖皂

+++ Organic Aloe Vera Extract (Home Plant!!)
+++ Home-made Honey lemon Juice
+++ 85% Milk 15% Water (Next time try 100% Milk!!)

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The inspiration of this soap: I wanted to re-make the previous successful creation of “Hotcake soap” in 2008. However, it’s not a “hotcake” soap re-union, which even better!!

Description: I changed the formula and added more honey which makes it smell so sweet and moisture for skin. Besides, 85% of milk creates a smooth, milky, and yummy outlook. Milk soap contains lactic acid which is a natural exfoliating agent and results in healthier looking skin. Great proposition of oils provide fresh after-feeling which is suitable for summer.

Manufacture Date: 2014/June/2014
Expected Mature Date: 1/July/2014 (6 weeks)

Olive Oil (Spain) 265g
Vegetable Softening (Indonesia) 250g
Coconut Oil (Philippine) 200g
Palm Oil (Malaysia)200g

NaOH 135g
Iced Milk 250g
Water 30g

Aloe Vera Honey Lemon Juice 70g
- Home-made and Home-Plant 100% Organic Aloe Vera :D
Perfume 0.5% 

Here is a good description on how to make a cold-pressing soap in English. 
This a good blog which I learn a lot from there.

Enjoy :D

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